

Welcome to Wiley H. Bates Middle School and the Bates Parent Teacher Association (PTA)!   We are glad you chose to join us to work toward our goal of enhancing the children’s middle school experience.

We hope you will find this handbook a useful resource for PTA activities throughout the year.  It is designed to provide an overview of who we are, how we support Bates, how we raise funds, and how to keep up-to-date on PTA activities.

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the PTA and we hope you will find an area of the organization that speaks to your talents and interests.  As you will discover in the next few pages, there are opportunities ranging from grant writing to driving midshipmen for tutoring sessions.  You may decide to give time where you are directly involved with the students by working on some of the incentive rewards such as the Honor Roll Celebrations, the PBIS Bates Bargain Basement, or the PBIS May Flowers, for example.  Whatever your preference, rest assured the Bates community will be grateful for your contribution.  

Please contact us throughout the school year with questions or concerns.  We will be happy to hear from you.


Deirdre, Bliss, Liz and Laurie
The 2013-2014 PTA Executive Board

What is the Mission of PTA?

The Mission Statement of the National PTA is to “To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.” 
Local Middle School PTAs, such as Bates, serve as a type of forum where parents, teachers, administrators, and other concerned adults discuss ways to promote quality education, strive to expand the arts, encourage community involvement, and work for a healthy environment and safe neighborhoods.
According to the Anne Arundel County PTA, the purposes of  PTAs are:
  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship.
  • To raise the standards of home life.
  • To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
  • To bring into closer relation the home, and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
  • To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
When one becomes a member of the Bates PTA, $3.75 of the $5.00 dues goes to the Maryland PTA and the National PTA.  $100 is paid to the Anne Arundel County PTA. Therefore, Bates PTA members belong to all of these organizations: the Bates PTA, the Anne Arundel County PTA, the Maryland PTA and the National PTA.

How Does the PTA Support Bates?
The PTA supports Bates Middle School by generating funds and then allocating these funds, while also organizing volunteers and other resources throughout the school year to improve and expand programming for students.  Examples of these efforts include:
  • Promoting an effective educational program through incentives, such as Honor Roll, field trip funding, advocacy/advisory committees, clubs, and the “Mids for Kids” tutoring program.

  • Supporting an active Cultural Arts program, including Art Showcases, Performances, a Talent Show, and a Multicultural Fair.

  • Supporting the teachers and staff through special appreciation events and classroom enrichment, and funding teacher requests for materials and equipment that are not available due to budget limitations.

  • Improving the effective and enthusiastic learning environment at Bates MS, through school improvement projects; facilities upgrades; extracurricular clubs; behavior Incentives; a wellness committee and promotional ceremonies.

  • Providing a forum for parents to learn more about Bates, to network, share ideas and provide feedback to the administration through general meetings and online resources.

Please join us and volunteer some of your time to help with one or more of these activities!

What are PTA Sponsored Events and Activities at Bates MS?

Honor Roll Celebrations – A special recognition event for students who achieve Honor Roll each quarter.  Stacey Hooper, snjhoops@msn.com  
Wellness Events – Supporting events that promote the overall health and wellness of the students.  Heather MacIntosh, heathermac@verizon.net
PBIS Bates Bargain Basement – Throughout the year students receive “Bates Bucks” as a reward for extraordinarily good behavior or classroom performance.  The Bates Bucks can be used by the students to purchase small items at the Bargain Basement held before the holidays.   Seeking families to donate new or gently used items for the sale in December.
Mids4Kids  –Volunteers are needed to drive Midshipmen from the Naval Academy to and from Bates J  In addition to serving as excellent role models, the college students help tutor students at Bates in their classrooms and assist the teachers with other activities.  Becky Porzillo, bporzillo@gmail.com
Hospitality –The PTA recognizes the staff and teachers for their hard work and commitment with an August “Back to School Breakfast”.  Plus, the PTA hosts six “Coffee with the Principal” receptions.  Deirdre Ralph, ralphjd@verizon.net
Teacher Appreciation Week:  The PTA recognizes the staff and teachers for their hard work and commitment with hospitality tables during November Conference Week and a May Teacher Appreciation meal.  Jeannie Bullen, jandcbull3@verizon.net
Bates Department/Club Requests – – The PTA funds department and club requests such as field trips, musical instrument purchases and repairs, dance costumes, club supplies, Chess Club teacher allotment, MD Hall rental for Talent Show, Field Day game rentals.   PTA Treasurer, Liz del Castillo,  usakiwi2@verizon.net
Volunteer Coordinator – The PTA works with the Bates Volunteer Coordinator, Becki Hutchison (rhutchison@aacps.org), to staff volunteer positions at the school.  These include classroom help, tutoring, photocopying and Media Center jobs. Please volunteer!  Deirdre Ralph, ralphjd@verizon.net

PBIS May Flowers – Students earn Bates Bucks to spend at this
Incentive event to purchase flowers for Mother’s Day.  Seeking donations of flowers in May for this event.
The Bates Annual Talent Show – This popular event is organized by Bates teachers with help from Bates parents and PTA funding.
Chess Club Liaison/Fundraising – Students enjoy learning the strategies behind the game of chess from a professional player.  Club fees are paid with a grant.  Seeking Committee Members.
Annapolis Community Boating Program/Fundraising – This course will meet Mondays and Wednesdays for 8 weeks this Fall if transportation logistics can be addressed.  The PTA is currently seeking funding and a Chair for Fall.
Uniform Closet – This is a donated supply of gently used uniforms that is distributed to the students at the discretion of Bates staff.  To make a donation, please drop off clothes in the Bates office.  Adult L and LX sizes are especially needed.  Bliss Kaye,   Bliss_Kaye@hotmail.com   
Field Day Liaison –  A fun day for the 6th, 7th and 8th Grades in June  sponsored by the PE Department and paid for by the PTA.  Seeking donations of watermelon and volunteer watermelon slicers the day of the event.
8th Grade Promotion Reception – Immediately following the 8th Grade promotion ceremony, the PTA hosts a reception of cake and lemonade.  Seeking Committee Members.
5K Fun Run/Walk - Bates families and supporters participate in this event starting and ending at the Bates track.  The course winds through the Murray Hill neighborhood along scenic Spa Creek.  Seeking Committee Members.
Family Book Club – The Family Book Club is held following the January 13th PTA meeting.  Your entire family is invited to read a book selected by a Bates Librarian and attend this discussion led by a Bates Librarian.  Andrea Sporre, asporre@aacps.org.   

How Does the PTA Raise Funds?

Membership – Of the $5.00 Registration fee, $3.75 goes to the State and National PTA dues.  Laurie Goodwin, ltggoodwin@gmail.com
Cash Contributions – The Bates PTA is a 501(C)(3)!  Parents or other Bates supporters can donate to support PTA efforts by writing a check to Bates MS PTA or by contacting the Treasurer.  Liz del Castillo, usakiwi2@verizon.net
Grant Writing – The PTA likes to pursue grants for many different funding needs.  All grant opportunities are welcome.  Seeking Committee Members.
Fall Fundraiser – The biggest PTA fund raising event is the sale of Otis Spunkmeyer cookies.  The entire student body unites to support this fundraiser.  Don’t want to bake, you can designate purchases be donated to local food pantries.  Participating students are rewarded with a party at Bates.  Seeking Volunteer.
Italian Dinner and Silent Auction – Dine on pasta in the cafeteria, sway to music played by teachers and students, and bid on items at a silent auction.  Seeking Committee Members.
Art Auction- Plan to attend this fun social evening in May while bidding on fantastic art items.  Cindy Applegate, cindy@applesigns.com  
Restaurant NightsThe PTA is given a portion of the proceeds collected by various restaurants during designated times that the Bates community is invited to dine.  Seeking several volunteers to organize one or more restaurant nights.
eScrip/Giant – Participating merchants make contributions to Bates.  For Safeway (escrip), go to escrip.com; the Bates school ID is 6643571.  For Giant, go to giantfood.com/aplus; the Bates school ID is 01667.  For Target, go to target.com/redcard; the Bates school ID is 57334.  Deirdre Ralph, ralphjd@verizon.net
Boxtops and Labels – Turn in your Boxtops labels from products you buy and the Bates PTA will get a refund for the school.   Kim Farcot,  farcot@comcast.net
Promotional Items – Purchase items though the PTA to show your Cougar pride!  Look for notecards, car magnets and bags!