Thursday, May 1, 2014

Unapproved April PTA Meeting minutes

Every Child One Voice

Bates Middle School PTA
                                                                   April 7, 2014, 6pm

Guest Speaker: Patricia Melesh, Social Studies Teacher and Maureen Darling, Guidance Counselor at Bates presented, “Kids at Hope”
Take Away Message for Parents: All children need caring adults in their lives for opportunities to succeed.

-Laura Brino and Jean Orzech summarized their presentation at the National Art Education Association National Conference in San Diego. Their presentation on” Innocente” was well received.
-Kathleen Richburg-Guidance Counselor at Annapolis Senior High School presented the changes in scheduling for the high school.

Mr. DeRoo-Principals Report:
-Discussed MSA and PARCC testing
-Earth Day Activities (week)-May 2 –Quarterly Art Showcase during the school day, parents welcome.
-Kudos to the robotics competition team
-Final Four basketball eighth grade game between Bates MS and Annapolis MS-Bates won.
-Last day of school June 18th. Eighth grade closing ceremony will be in the gym June 18th , Maryland Hall is being renovated.
-Eight grade dance
 -Discussed Superintendant Search-three finalits. Parents can contact-email- Board of Education Members to voice their opinions/concerns on the choice for Superintendent.

Treaurers Report:
-Reviewed budget
-Discussed Art Auction fund raiser at Glow Salon May 10th

Committee Reports/ Upcoming Events:
-PTA Executive Board needs candidates to run for office-President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  Two people can share each position.
-Talent Show-25 acts, parent Laurie Skalitsky working on the program
-Honor Roll Party
--Bates 5K-Dan Buan presented update.  T-shirts, FUN, COME!
Cost:Students-free, Teachers-$15.00 early registration- $20.00 Race Day, Adults-$25 early registration, $30.00 on Race Day
Go to web site for more information, For more information and to register click here:
Art Auction-Cindy Applegate update, For tickets, go to
Cost-Pre Sale $25.00 per person or 2 for $45.00,  $30.00 at the door
-May 22-Volunteer Reception for any person who contributed time and energy to the students/staff at Bates sponsored by AACPS, Michael's Eighth Avenue, Glen Burnie, 8:30- 10am, contact Deirdre Ralph at for more information
- MAY 5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week-June 13th Bates will celebrate Teacher APpreciation